What You Need to Know About Video Content Marketing

The consumption of online videos has grown exponentially since the launch of digital platforms, social media, online media, and more. With this rise, marketing strategies have adapted to these new ways of consuming content. Video content marketing has become essential within companies’ content strategies. According to a 2021 Digital study by We Are Social and Hootsuite, 95.1% of Spanish internet users watch videos online, making it the primary online activity among people in Spain.

Given these statistics, the importance of using a video content strategy to reach potential clients is undeniable. This format can be adapted across diverse platforms: social media, video platforms like YouTube or Vimeo, TikTok, Instagram Reels, or even email marketing. The key to successful video marketing lies in crafting clear and direct messages, as 55% of people surveyed prefer to watch shorter videos.

What is video content marketing? What are its benefits? How can I implement a video marketing strategy? In this article, we’ll answer these and other questions.


  1. Advantages of Video Content Marketing
  2. How to Incorporate Video Content Into Your Marketing Strategy
  3. FAQs About Video Content Marketing

Advantages of Video Content Marketing

Video content marketing is simply the integration of video into your content marketing strategy. Studies show that 81% of brands currently use this type of strategy. One major advantage is its ability to engage users quickly, directly, and emotionally. In fact, 90% of customers report that videos positively influence their buying decisions. Additionally, video content increases user interaction and boosts SEO.

According to Hootsuite, here are some statistics on video use on Twitter:

  • Two billion videos are watched daily on Twitter.
  • Watching videos is the third most popular reason for using Twitter, after checking news and viewing photos.
  • Tweets with videos receive 10 times more interactions (likes, retweets, and comments).
  • Video ads on Twitter have a 50% lower cost-per-engagement.

These numbers demonstrate that neglecting video content in your marketing strategy would be a missed opportunity.

How to Incorporate Video Content Into Your Marketing Strategy

If you’re ready to introduce videos into your marketing plan, here are some tips and elements to consider:

  1. Define Your Video’s Goal
    Like any content type, video marketing can serve different purposes: engaging potential customers, driving traffic to your website, enhancing brand image, growing followers, or going viral. Start by clearly defining your videos’ objectives.
  2. Know Your Audience
    It’s crucial to understand the characteristics of your target audience: their interests, platforms they use, etc. For example, your strategy for 22-year-olds who spend hours on Instagram will differ from one targeting 45-year-old professionals who frequent LinkedIn.
  3. Offer Quality Videos
    The goal is to create video content that genuinely benefits the viewer. Use humor, storytelling, and aim to evoke positive emotions. With millions of videos online, yours must be exceptional to stand out.
  4. Include a Call to Action (CTA)
    Alongside your video’s objective, decide what action you want viewers to take. Whether it’s sharing the content, visiting your site, or leaving a comment, a CTA is essential for guiding users to the next step in your sales funnel.
  5. Select Quality Images
    Quality images can enhance your project. If you lack the right equipment, use image banks to ensure visuals that resonate with your message and captivate your audience.

Not all companies have a dedicated video content team, and it may be worth consulting a professional to create high-quality videos that add real value to your business and customers. At Nativa-PR, we’re here to help—contact us if you’d like to know more!

FAQs About Video Content Marketing

1. Why is defining a video content marketing goal important?

A clear objective helps you create engaging, direct videos that avoid irrelevant content, keeping your audience interested. We can help you with your video content marketing.

2. Can I skip the CTA in my video content?

Ideally, no. A CTA prompts viewers to take beneficial actions like following you or sharing your content. Once your video has captured their attention, a simple action can drive valuable engagement. Here are some of our services for you!

3. Does video content marketing help my SEO strategy?

Yes! Video marketing can enhance SEO. When users spend more time watching your videos, it boosts site engagement, leading to increased traffic and shares, ultimately helping you reach more viewers. Contact us for more info!